
CO2 emissions
Electricity production
Energy flow overview
Final energy demand (energetic)
Final energy demand per sector (energetic)
Installed storage volume per carrier
Primary energy use
Renewability of final demand

Import and export

Future energy export
Future energy import
Future energy transit flows
Future net energy import/export
Land use of import infrastructure per carrier
Present energy export
Present energy import
Present energy transit flows
Present net energy import/export


Curtailment of solar PV
Electricity storage per hour
Electricity storage technologies specifications
Flexible electricity demand per hour
Flexible electricity demand technologies
Flexible electricity supply and demand per hour
Flexible hydrogen supply and demand per hour
Hourly electricity supply and demand
Hourly gas supply and demand
Hourly heat supply and demand for district heating
Hourly hydrogen supply and demand
Hourly production of solar PV with battery
Hourly production of wind inland with battery
Imbalance ("residual load") per hour
Imbalance of monthly supply and demand volumes
Installed capacity of flexible technologies
Integral costs of flexible electricity demand
Monthly supply and demand volumes
Need for flexibility on different timescales
Solar PV production per hour
The need for flexibility: capacity
The need for flexibility: volume
Use of flexible electricity demand

Hybrid offshore wind

Hybrid offshore wind capacities and energy flows
Hybrid offshore wind energy flows
Hybrid offshore wind installed capacities



CO2 emissions of electricity production
Duration of excess electricity events
Electricity demand per hour
Electricity flows
Electricity price per hour
Electricity production per hour
Electricity supply and demand
Merit order capacities and marginal costs
Merit order table
Offshore solar and wind production per hour
Profitability of dispatchable power plants
Renewable electricity
Security of supply

Network gas

Network gas demand per hour
Network gas production per hour
Network gas storage per hour
Network gas supply and demand

Collective heat

Demand and potential of aquathermal heat
Demand and potential of residual heat
District heating (HT) demand per hour
District heating (HT) production per hour
District heating (HT) sources: capacities and marginal costs
District heating (HT) storage per hour
District heating (HT) supply and demand
District heating (LT) demand per hour
District heating (LT) production per hour
District heating (LT) sources: capacities and marginal costs
District heating (LT) storage per hour
District heating (LT) supply and demand
District heating (MT) demand per hour
District heating (MT) production per hour
District heating (MT) sources: capacities and marginal costs
District heating (MT) storage per hour
District heating (MT) supply and demand
District heating supply and demand per temperature level
Heat and cold production
Heat losses in heat network per household
Industrial steam network supply and demand
Properties of combined heat and power (CHP) plants

Hydrogen carriers and ammonia

Ammonia supply and demand
CO2 intensity per hydrogen production type
Electricity mix for power-to-gas
Hydrogen demand per hour
Hydrogen production per hour
Hydrogen storage per hour
Hydrogen supply and demand
Levelised costs of hydrogen production per hour
Production capacities and costs of hydrogen

Transport fuels

Kerosene supply and demand
Net flow of refinery products
Transport fuel mix


Biomass demand and potential
CO2 emissions biomass
Feedstock for biogenic energy carriers
Final demand of oil per sector and per product
Future biomass flows
Gas mix in gas network

Land use

Land use of solar and wind (chart)
Land use of solar and wind (table)



Final energy demand (energetic + non-energetic)
Final energy demand per carrier (energetic)
Final energy demand per carrier (non-energetic)


Cooling demand in residences
Deficits in space heating per residence type and construction period
Demand curve of hybrid heat pump (gas) in households
Electricity use of household appliances
Final energy demand - Cooking
Final energy demand for space heating and hot water in households per carrier
Final energy demand in households per application
Heat demand and production in households
Number of residences per space heating technology
Number of residences per type and construction period
Residential heating demand
Sources of electricity in households
Used roof area for panels in households


Buildings heating demand
Cooling demand in buildings
Final energy demand for appliances in buildings per carrier
Final energy demand for electricity in buildings per application
Final energy demand for heating in buildings
Final energy demand in buildings per application
Heat demand and production in buildings
Sources of electricity in buildings


CO2 emissions of international transportation
Final energy demand for cars per technology
Final energy demand for domestic aviation per carrier
Final energy demand for domestic navigation per carrier
Final energy demand for international transport per application
Final energy demand for international transport per carrier
Final energy demand for motorcycles and bicycles per technology
Final energy demand for public transport per technology
Final energy demand for rail freight transport per carrier
Final energy demand for transport per application
Final energy demand for truck transport per carrier
Final energy demand for van transport per carrier
Final energy demand of freight transport per application
Final energy demand of passenger transport per application


Energy demand of the steel sector
Final electricity demand in the central ICT industry
Final energy demand aluminium
Final energy demand in industry (energetic + non-energetic)
Final energy demand in industry (energetic)
Final energy demand in refineries
Final energy demand in the chemical industry
Final energy demand in the fertilizer industry
Final energy demand in the food industry
Final energy demand in the other chemical industry
Final energy demand in the other industry
Final energy demand in the paper industry
Final energy demand other metals


Final energy demand for heating in agriculture
Final energy demand in agriculture
Local heat and electricity production in agriculture
Supply and demand of heat from local CHPs


Final energy demand in other sector


High-temperature district heating costs per household per year
High-temperature district heating infrastructure costs per year
Hybrid heat pump threshold COP for space heating
Low-temperature district heating costs per household per year
Low-temperature district heating infrastructure costs per year
Medium-temperature district heating costs per household per year
Medium-temperature district heating infrastructure costs per year
Overview of yearly costs
Overview of yearly costs in detail (open table)
Production costs and price of green gas
Required additional infrastructure investments


Electricity demand on high voltage net
Electricity demand on low voltage net
Electricity demand on medium voltage net
Electricity network capacity and peaks
Load on high voltage electricity network
Load on low voltage electricity network
Load on medium voltage electricity network
Net load on electricity network

Carbon capture, utilisation and storage

Captured CO2 flows
Demand and supply of captured CO2 (CCUS)
Energy use of CCUS
Net effect of demand and supply of CO2 on emissions
Use of coal gases

Greenhouse gas emissions

Greenhouse gas emissions Agriculture (CO2 eq)
Greenhouse gas emissions Built Environment (CO2 eq)
Greenhouse gas emissions Industry and Energy (CO2 eq)
Greenhouse gas emissions Transport (CO2 eq)
Indirect and delayed CO2 emissions
Total greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 eq)